Saturday 17 March 2012

The words in a poem must have  meaning for the reader. They are not simply words scattered on a page. The meaning of a poem will vary from one poem to another, and from one reader to another.  the earliest poems were made up before books were invented, or were used to tell stories for people who could not read. These poems were spoken aloud and passed from one generation to another without ever being written down. They were designed to entertain people and to help them remember stories and traditions. Traditional narrative (story) poems entertain us. Reciting  narrative poems was a popular way to tell radios before radio and television was invented. They can also give us information about things that happened in history, and often carry a message about how to live well. Humorous poems are written just to make us laugh, while other poems make fun of a person or event in the news. Many poems and songs are written to express feelings. Poems and songs that do this are called lyrics. Some poems are written to persuade us of something, such as the importance of caring for the environment. Poems can be used as songs to promote an idea such as safety or healthy eating. Poems and songs are also used to advertise programs and products on radio and television.

Poems were originally written to be spoken aloud, to entertain people with stories or to give information about the world. The sound in poetry, particularly the rhymes and the rhythm, help people remember them.Sounds is important in poems because:
1. sound is everywhere- in language, music and nature. Think of the sounds of the wind and the sea, the rain clattering, a brass band, a singer or a magpie.
2. sound can give us pleasure, surprise us, make us laugh or cry.
3. sound can help create a rhythm and rhyme in a poem.
4. sound can help us to remember things, such as advertising jingles or the number of days in each month.

The main sounds in poem are formed by rhyme and rhythm.
1. Rhyme
Rhyme is the most noticeable sound effect in poem. It is part of the music of poem that makes it pleasant to read and hear. Rhyming words end with similar sounds. The rhymes make a regular pattern in the poem.  They are placed at the ends of lines 1 and 2 in each stanza or group of lines. Yet there is another rhyme where a word in the middle of the line, rhymes with the word at the end of the line. Different types of rhymes can be used in poetry.Most pairs of rhyming words are alike in both their sound and spelling. Sometimes, one pair of rhyming words sound alike but are spelt differently and in one pair of words, a one-syllable word rhymes with the second syllable of another. 
2. Rhythm 
Rhythm is also part of the music of the poem and one of the reasons we remember poem. The rhythm is part of  beats in a poem. The rhythm of some poems is as regular as the ticking of a clock, while other poems have a rhythm that varies within the poem and does not have a regular beat. Some poem may have a rhythm or beat that is created by pattern of syllables. These syllables are emphasised in the poem when you read it aloud. some poems have a rhythm to suit the topics.

Sounds in poetry can also be formed by using a combination of certain letters in words, called alliteration. Sound is also formed by using special types of words called onomatopoeia.
3. Alliteration
Alliteration is the repetition of consonant sounds in words that are close together in the poem. Consonants are all the letters in the alphabet apart from the vowels a, e, i, o, u. It is also part of the sound effects in poem that can create a pattern of sounds, draw attention to words, help us remember things, amuse us and create a pleasant combinations of sounds.
4. Onomatopoeia
Onomatopoeia is a word meaning making a name or matching sound to meaning. It is one of the sounds effect in poetry too. When we say these words, we can hear them in action.

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